
Showing posts from July, 2008

Nant and VS2008

I've been reading a lot on CI (Continuous Integration) lately, and I am following the trend, using nant over msbuild. Nant is a great tool, but it doesn't have a way to build a VS2008 solution. It just breaks. Since it's very annoying to downgrade fom .net 3.5 to .net 2.0 (big fan of var type, workflow development OOTB, planning to get started on lambda expressions, and other nifty features) and I think is too difficult to keep the project in sync with the build script, providing I'm developing using TDD, so my only options seemed to learn MSBuild, which I don't like entirely, or to install VS on the build machine and use exec to call devenv and build the solution. I finally found a shortcut: in fact, I have to use exec, but to call MSBuild (wihich comes with .net SDK) to have it complie the solution! this have worked perfectly. My only concern is what wooill happen when I start automating build with cruiseControl...... Let's see what happens!!